Cooking for Chronic Conditions

Mealtime with Food Allergies and Celiac Disease (CCCD01-FAC01)

Food allergies are becoming more common, especially in the elderly population. Through online lessons, recipe videos and knowledge checks, caregivers will learn how to:

- Protect elders from a food allergy reaction or complications of celiac disease at mealtime.
- Inform elders of food and beverage choices they can safely enjoy.
- Identify allergen and gluten-containing foods.
- Recognize allergy sources on food labels.
- Prevent cross contact of allergens during food preparation.

Course number: CCC-FAC-01
Class format: Online, On Demand
Credit hours: 1.0
  • Mealtime with Food Allergies Course and Quiz
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 2 years